Rock the planet under Space Shuttle Endeavour.

Theme: A Just, Equitable, Diverse & Inclusive Space, (A J.E.D.I. Space)!

Featuring Inspiration 4 Pilot Dr. Sian Proctor, and astronaut DJ DR CHRISPY along with the Spirit of Yuri's Night Award ceremony!

Where: California Science Center in downtown LA. 

The LA County Health Department has reduced COVID-19 restrictions this week, so we are recommending that:

All guests at the event wear a mask indoors unless actively consuming food or beverages but we will not require wearing a mask.

All guests be vaccinated if-possible. We will be checking COVID-19 vaccination status OR suggest that guests take a negative COVID-19 test before you join us for each others’ safety, but neither vaccination nor test is required for entry.

Per guidance from the venue, county, and CDC, the above policies are subject to change at any time.

The shuttle pavilion and surrounding area is a large well-ventilated space, but be aware that the choice to attend an event like Yuri’s Night comes with inherently increased risk, so if you are immunocompromised or unable to take this risk, please celebrate from home.

Thank you for following these policies so we can provide a fun & safe night for everyone!


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