SLOVAKIA - Yuri's Night 2024 in Bratislava.

On Thursday, April 11, 2024, we invite you to the premises of Jungle Wild Roastery coffee shop at Račianska 71 (formerly known as Zváračák). You can look forward to a conversation with Lt. Col. Michal Fulier, who served as a stand-in for Ivan Bellu during his memorable mission to the MIR space station. He underwent complete training for space flight, and we are confident (and excited) that he will offer us a unique insight into the backstage of the Russian space program and the legendary Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan.

Slovak Organization for Space Activities
Date And Time: 2024-Apr-11 @ 07:00 PM to 2024-Apr-11 @ 12:00 AM
Location: Račianska 71, Bratislava, Slovakia


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